4 Unique Consulting Services to Meet Your Specific Needs

Personalized Medicare Consultations

Our most extensive and complete Medicare service for fully understanding your Medicare options.

Through a Personalized Medicare Consultation with a Medicare expert who does not sell insurance, you'll learn everything you need to about Medicare for your specific situation and know — with certainty — that you've made the right decisions.

Review of Existing Medicare Coverage

When you do not understand the Medicare coverage you have, it's critical to learn about it!

People who do not understand their Medicare coverage are very vulnerable to making costly and permanent Medicare mistakes through the predatory marketing of "Free" Medicare plans. Learn the good, bad, and ugly about your current Medicare coverage from experts who do NOT sell insurance.

Annual Review of Your Medicare Coverage Options

During Open Enrollment, know for certain which plan will be the best one for you next year.

Most people have 20 to 50+ different options for Part D or Medicare Advantage with drug coverage available to them. Unfortunately, the wrong choice could literally cost you thousands of dollars. Stop guessing and get the unbiased truth.

Anytime Advisor Consultation Service

For those with a very specific need or problem who just need some consulting time with an expert.

Sometimes people have Medicare-related needs that are not related to getting enrolled or reviewing coverage. IN these cases, you can consult directly with a Medicare expert on an hourly basis. 65 Incorporated requires an initial retainer of two hours, billed at $300/hour. Additional billable time will be approved by you before proceeding.

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